About Me

I was born and raised in Australia.  I began my career as a Marine Biologist, gaining a B.Sc.(Hons). and later a Ph.D. at the University of Sydney.  This background led me to a role presenting the National Geographic TV show "Next Wave", a 26 part science adventure series shown worldwide.  I was lucky enough to travel extensively while filming, to places as remote and diverse as the Amazon jungle, Cuba, Ecuador, Burma, Belize, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Patagonia, Thailand and  Bolivia.  As an added bonus, I was able to SCUBA dive in some of the most spectacular sites in the world. 

I have also journeyed widely as a keen independent traveller, spending time in Europe, Asia, Africa, the Americas and the Pacific.  At last count, I have visited 72 countries, which still leaves plenty more to explore...  Despite being detained in local jails, eaten by many and varied insects and ending up tramping through knee-deep mud more than would seem likely, I am still a travel addict, and I pride myself on never saying “no” to a new adventure!  

After working for a number of years in television, I was looking for another aspect to my career that would allow me to continue with my two great passions - sharing my knowledge and love of travel with others, and continuing to travel myself.  I worked for a number of travel companies and widely as a private guide before founding Rush Expeditions, my own boutique travel company focused on "less ordinary" travel experiences.

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